About Us
The Emerald Chiropractic Co.
eh·mr·uhld: A symbol of growth, renewal, and harmony
Health: A state of optimal physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
Health is our most precious asset. Health is prerequisite to serving worldly purpose and experiencing all that life has to offer. Without health, we cannot be the best mothers & fathers, sons & daughters, students & teachers, leaders, team members, authors, innovators, or athletes that we have the potential to be. At The Emerald Chiropractic Company, we hold health as a top value and priority. We are here to be your family’s principled chiropractic home and to support you in building and protecting your family’s health through excellent, neurologically-focused chiropractic care.
​ “A wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable possession.” --Hippocrates
Our Vision
To see present and future generations of kids, moms, and whole families in the Florida panhandle thriving – living to their fullest potential in every aspect of life: physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.
Our Mission
To serve our community by delivering the highest quality neurologically-focused chiropractic care. To provide the clarity, hope, and empowerment inherent to the vitalistic chiropractic philosophy of health and life.
Our Values
We give, love, and serve for its own sake. Through serving purpose, we learn, grow, and uplift others.
We believe that there is great joy and satisfaction to be found in serving purpose.
We strive for the best in all we do – from our care, to our teachings, to our personal and professional growth.
We're on a mission to save and transform lives. We're passionate about creating lasting change in our community.
We care. We seek first to understand so we can serve well.